by Morgan Osman October 21, 2020 36 Comments


used for emphasis or to express anger, annoyance, contempt, or surprise...

Well well well. This obviously has taken a left. When I started Still That Bitch I listed the topics I wanted to discuss. I have a list in my notes and I check off each post once it’s up. For the longest time I've wanted to speak about mental health and the worlds obsession with each other. I wanted to explain in the most relatable way possible how we all deal with bad people, hurtful people, bullies and drama. I don’t care if you work at Starbucks or run Goldman Sachs, we all have our shit. Initially, I sat back and thought about the defenseless children who are bullied at school, or the person who is racially profiled and never able to climb the ladder at work. I thought about all of the people who are homeless due to mental health. And then as I started to dig deeper, I realized that this topic is so much greater than what I will be able to put onto paper. I started to think of homeless people with mental health issues, celebrities, Instagram, Twitter, the Internet, social circles, status, photoshop and my brain was just overloaded. It was clearly all over the place and I couldn’t seem to put my thoughts into words. I got so overwhelmed that I didn’t even know where to begin because it’s such an endless topic for the world and it’s been my really dark reality for a very long time. As this is a space for me to talk about myself I’ve decided that’s what I’m going to do. I wanted to be relatable. I wanted to let people know that you aren't alone and at one time or another, I’m sure you’ve dealt with harassment, bullying or defamation. It can happen at any age, any tax bracket, anywhere and everywhere. With all of that being said, the last few days have been intense but, this is long overdue. You guys know I never say anyone’s name in my posts and you guys know that I’ve tried to entertain you without being derogatory or malicious. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really hold suit here today. So, I’m gonna give you guys the backstory. I’m going to explain the best I can what it’s like to live in silence while being harassed, embarrassed and abused emotionally. 

For the websites sake, let’s just refer to A and A as dumb and dumber OK. *AND THIS IS THE SHORT VERSION* So once upon a time, years ago, I met Fraudopoly. He just broke up with his girlfriend. She was in Miami and he was running around Los Angeles trying to sleep with anybody and everybody. He told me that PP was obsessed with me and that I was to replace his current girlfriend because they hated her so much and she was so ugly and her skin was disgusting (you see already how his mouth runs, correct?!) She’s not ugly. She’s not disgusting. And she didn’t do anything wrong. They say this to every new girl PP ends up with. Anyway, he introduced me to PP and not but two months into that summer I was living a fucking nightmare - because of Fraudopoly. He showed up to the South of France and behind my back went and told all of these stories about me that weren’t true. He pulled PP’s mother aside and gave her an earful. They made it so uncomfortable and awkward. So typical Morgan called him out “Why the fuck did you tell his mother XYZ?” Why would he set me up with PP and not but two months later come there to destroy me? It didn’t make sense. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I wanted to believe that it was all one big misunderstanding. So when I asked him why he started all of that trouble, of course he lied and said he didn’t. Shocker. From that moment on I have been harassed silently by him and his little minion for years. PP is too busy to be involved in the drama, and Fraudopoly knows that. He capitalizes on the fact that he can maneuver around him because he’s too busy to understand any of it. All I had to do was take PP's phone, swipe down, type in FRAUDOPOLY and all the messages popped up. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The things that he said about me and other people were disturbing. Calling women pigs, sluts, prostitutes, lying left and right. He went so far as to say “Morgan is so obsessed with you she’s just using you. You should get her the fuck out.” Mind you, I had just met PP and I was still paying my own rent in LA. $6,000 a month. I was working for PP and paying my own bills. I wasn’t using PP at all. I had a lotttt of cash saved from my previous relationship and Fraudopoly knew that. Everyone knows my boyfriend before PP was the most generous kind person. All of it was really hurtful because to my face Fraudopoly was so nice and fake. Just like he is to everyone. I’m hyper intelligent and sensitive and I was picking up on all of it. This slimy grimy motherfucker has not gone one day without slandering me all over the world. In every social circle possible. Mind you, I’ve never done a thing to him. Not one fucking thing. I tried to tell PP a million times he is using you, he makes fun of you every chance he gets, he laughs at your music (ya know, all that sad music PP plays on his stories) he laughs at your style, he laughs at your choice in women, he laughs at your bad English and PP definitely believed me but unfortunately, has no friends. He doesn’t want friends. He doesn’t have time for friends. But of course, Fraudopoly is such a leech he made sure to remain a “friend.” PP paid for all of his flights and his girlfriend’s flights. You get the picture…

After I broke up with PP I would be in St. Tropez and I couldn’t go on a boat because Fraudopoly got there first and got into everyone’s ear. I would be in the mountains and I couldn’t go to the party because he got there first and got into everyone’s ear. I couldn’t go to parties in Miami because he was in everyone’s ear, you guys get the point. I never robbed anyone. I never slept with anyones husband. I never hurt Fraudopoly. He's JUST A BITCH! Basically, the exact same thing happened 3 nights ago. This past Sunday, right in front of my face, BUT never TO my face. What I witnessed him do IN front of me from table to table is what he has done to me behind my back for yearsssss. The reason I snapped was because this time it was to people I've known over 10 years. People who don't hate me. MY FRIENDS! He messaged them since last week NONSTOP because they hung out with me. HUH!!!!! I've had ENOUGH. Who the fuck is this guy? Better yet, who the fuck does he THINK he is. I'll tell you who he is. A MAJOR drug addict depressed social climbing desperate whore. He's the definition of insecure.

One of the most upsetting and pathetic times was in London for my best friends birthday. Him and his minion girlfriend broke up. She was fucking Lil pump in Miami and he was running around London doing his typical "kiss ass use everyone for status thing.” My girlfriend lived in London her entire life, born and raised. It was her birthday. We had it all set up, dinner, a table at a nightclub and ....then we get a call. She gets a call asking if she cares that Fraudopoly is going to be there. First of all, why the fuck are you calling asking if she cares? Second of all, why the fuck does he care if we’re in the same room? We were both kind of shocked that it was even a topic. We didn’t know he was in London and we didn’t have a real problem with him. That’s the thing, this is my point. There is no real issue at hand, just straight up hatred, bullying and jealousy. To the max. So anyway, I’ll continue. She had these plans for weeks. I flew all the way from LA for the birthday. We had matching outfits, drivers, photographers and an amazing group of people. After dinner, she gets the most awkward text stating that we needed to move to a different part of the night club because Fraudopoly was throwing the biggest fit. BEFORE WE EVEN ARRIVED! Huh!!!!! Why!!! What the fuck did she do to you? Why the fuck are you ruining her birthday? And why are you always running to someone higher up? If you have a fucking problem, solve it. It’s like a little tattletale bitch. It’s like the loser in school (Which he was. The amount of messages I’ve received from this man’s childhood until now is comical. Talk about a loser, he’s the definition.) who thinks it’s cool to run to the teacher because they don’t have balls enough to take on the other person. OK so, I felt terrible. I knew that ultimately it was because of me. But still, what have I done to him? We showed up to the nightclub and we were forced into the corner. Mind you, the owner is her best friend. Best friend for over 15 years. But because rich people are fucking weird, and men always seem to take each other side we were forced into the corner. I obviously didn’t stay in the corner and made my way right over to their table. It wasn’t his table. He never gets a table. He never pays for shit. He’s the biggest user. So I went to say hi to the people who actually paid for the table because I don’t have any problems with them. I said hi to some friends near him including the "steak" guy bestie of his. He was very nice, very fake but, very nice. He said hello back and Fraudopoly freaked out. He started yelling at him telling him not to speak to me making a huge scene. So bizarre. We left the club and the next day we thought “What the fuck was that.” Did that really happen? On your birthday? At 31 years old. What could he have possibly said to the owner that would make the owner put hot girls in the corner? And that’s the thing. To this day, I still don’t know what he tells people. This is defamation. This is harassment. This is bullying. But that’s not the end of it..This is what’s so upsetting. It’s honestly so sad when people become fixated on other people and their sole purpose is to basically ruin their life. Every single place I go I have to hear that this stupid little trash bag said some thing. I’m not exaggerating. All over the world. It wasn’t until I witnessed it right in front of my face that I snapped. The other night was completely uncalled for. The minute we made eye contact he freaked out. His whole body language changes. Just my presence alone makes him out of body. There are so many back stories. There are so many things that I’ve heard and so many places I couldn’t go because of him. The pig that he’s dating became friends with everyone and anyone that I used to associate with. With nothing in common and solely based off the fact that both parties knew me and thought it would be funny and cool to gang up on me. Newsflash.. YOU PICKED THE WRONG BITCH! So now let me give you a little backstory on how I met his piglet girlfriend. Roughly 2 years ago I was trying to plan PP’s 40th birthday. I had just left the Billionaire fashion show all dressed up when I FaceTimed Fraudopoly. I called him and he was sitting outside of the Montage hotel in LA. I said “I’m trying to plan a surprise birthday for PP should we go to Vegas, get hookers LOL turn the fuck up.” It’s not what PP wanted at all and was really mad that that was my brilliant idea LOL but anyway. As I’m on the phone with him he’s like “Oh my god oh my God please don’t hang up. I’m sitting outside of the Montage Hotel picking up this girl who is obsessed with you.” I was like “Oh God, great. I was just calling to plan the birthday.” Remember, I already knew all the shit Fraudopoly spoke about me but, again I always let it slide. I just wanted PP to have a good time. So here I am, on FaceTime, waiting and waiting and waiting. A real 10 minutes must’ve went by when he said “What the fuck does she think I am, Uber?” She had just done full body Lipo and was staying at the Montage with her mother. At the same time, Fraudopoly had another very famous Instagram model staying in his house with him. She has 11 million followers and is also a little piglet. So while he sat outside the hotel picking up one girl, he had another girl in some rental house. He thought it was so fucking cool (that his current girlfriend) paid for her own surgery because he’s so cheap and slimy. After waiting and waiting this short round girl with long mousy brown hair got in the car and ecstatically said “HIIIIIIIIII” like a real fan! The first thing out of her mouth was “Oh my god who did your boobs because I want mine bigger.” I was like ew loser, who says that as their opening statement?! That was our first encounter. Her and I obviously have gone on to have many encounters. I was friendly with her the first time we all hung out as couples. She showed up a hot mess for the private jet to Saint Barth’s for PP‘s birthday. Clearly, Saint Barth’s was a little bit better than my Vegas idea LOL. The first thing out of my mouth to her was “Are you a prostitute, Fraudopoly loves prostitutes.” She was like “OMG no, my mother is famous and I am a TV presenter.” I said “Then why the fuck did you alter your body so much, that’s usually a selling point no?” Yes. This is what I said to her word for word right in front of everyone. She then went as far as to say “I don’t even know what facetune is.” Mhmmm SHE SAID THAT. This was around the time that she had deleted all of her old pictures, dyed her hair blonde, got full body surgery and was pretending to be someone that she wasn’t. They made sure to keep us separate from each other so that I wouldn’t tell her anything bad about Fraudopoly. He would hand me his phone to take pictures and tell me to make sure I keep it away from her. Still, he was putting on an act playing everyone around him. He wasn’t playing me. I clocked every bit of it and stayed as far away from them as possible for a week on the yacht. I saw them again at a fashion show and another time they came to the South of France. BUT! They didn’t come together. They had broken up and he was flying in another girl from Spain. The girl got stopped in London and they wouldn’t let her through because of some passport issue. He was so fucking angry that he wasted $100. Yes, you read that correctly $100. A short dark-haired pretty Spanish girl was supposed to arrive before the minion. Since the dark-haired girl didn’t arrive obviously he flew the minion in. After the break up with PP, I think you’re all well aware that I stayed around Europe for almost 2 months. During those two months the world sat back and watched the biggest shit show ever. And in the midst of that shit show, the minion called me frantic in Greece hysterically crying because she caught Fraudopoly cheating on her. She was on the rocks somewhere in Greece asking me and his ex what she should do. His ex let her know that he’s also been trying to sleep with her and meet up in St. Tropez. Because of this the minion obviously ran back into his arms because she would never want to be embarrassed. The facade is just unreal. 

I would like to reiterate, by no means was this post supposed to be about a specific person or group. It was actually supposed to be the complete opposite. After this Sunday, it’s turned into this but, it was never my intention. Although I knew all of the things he was doing silently and although I knew how hard he was making my private life, this was never the plan. I mean, it’s pretty evident that I don’t like them but, I had no intention on giving them this much attention. This is not the kind of attention that fraudulent people who only care about their image want. This is not the kind of attention that people who manipulate and use others want. Imagine having your cover blown when you’re only success has been strictly off an image that you’ve built that’s not real? Must be horrific. And this is exactly why he tries to keep me away from any and everyone because he knows that I know the truth. And I would’ve never let the truth out if he would’ve just left me the fuck alone. His ex girlfriend messaged me and said “I’m shocked that he’s pushed you this far because he knows better. He scared to death of you. He knows that you don’t give a fuck and that’s exactly why he runs from you and gives you such a bad name.” Basically the man is a scam, his girlfriend is an even bigger scam, his entire existence is fraudulent and I could go on and on forever but, I think you guys got the point. And what's it ALL FOR? For rich people (who are 99% pieces of shit) to like you? To be invited places ? Why go such such lengths to fake an entire lifestyle, profession and status? This segues perfectly into mental health and social media. The desperation and defamation is unreal. You can take someone’s picture and literally make up any story you want. You can destroy someone’s entire existence privately and or publicly just based off of an app. This doesn’t just pertain to celebrities. This doesn’t just pertain to Instagram famous people. This shit is real on every level. Every single fucking day people kill themselves over this type of stuff. Am I guilty. 100%. Have I not acted like a complete psycho these last three days, absolutely. But I’m not a psycho. I’m not angrily posting anything. I’m simply standing up for myself and some people will understand that and others will simply write it off as crazy. Either way, I don’t give a fuck. The strength that I have is not normal. Do you understand that people got posted on the thedirty.com once and would be hysterical. I was posted on the website from the age of 21 until probably yesterday. Who knows. I don’t look. I don’t care. You guys can go have a field day and dig up all the articles you would like. It's all he said she said bullshit. That website was disgusting. It caused so many lawsuits and so many suicides. It came out when I was so young. Making fun of status, looks, sexual preference, families, couples - you name it, it was there. To this day, it's one of the most vile websites ever. I have no idea how it lasted so long. Well, I do. People are so obsessed with each other. Obsessed!! They want to see others suffer, it's so sick. Anyway, what did Fraudopoly do? Conveniently became best friends with the owner to ensure he wasn't posted. Are you surprised? No. Fraudopoly's mouth is thedirty.com. He's sick for real. Him and his dumpster girlfriend who CRIED her eyes out after being posted on the site once. Why do you think the owner went on to dump the website. You cannot run around defaming and harassing people and expect them not to have a breaking point. You can’t expect them not to retaliate. This is how people get killed. This shit isn’t funny. This is why people kill themselves. We all know that's not the only website making shit up about me daily. I won't even name the others. I see them on the backend of my website and its hilarious. Even though I am not proud of my behavior over the last three days, it was only a matter of time. I’m an adult. I own businesses. I do know right from wrong but, I'm human. I fly off the handle out of self-defense and then I always feel a bit guilty because I really don’t mean to hurt people. Don’t get it twisted, they are the exception. I don’t give a fuck how they feel. I don’t give a fuck what they try to do to me. Why should I? They are disgusting manipulative frauds. He's bad but, he's made her even worse. He took her and knew how desperate she was for "that life." He preys on every one and she's no exception. He literally is with her because it's "trendy." It's all calculated, not love. She's a slimy grimy fraud biggest fan. Why aren't you dripping in diamonds? Where's YOUR car? Career? Apartment? House? Nada, right. Fine. So stop making fun of everyone and worry about yourself. My biggest fan. I have to hear how much she talks about me all the fucking time. SHUT UP ! You met me twice. You don't know me because of what Fraudopoly brainwashed you into believing. Past that, my heart breaks for anyone who has to experience or endure these types of people. I’ve said it in my past posts, why do you think Hollywood is such a disaster? Why do you think all of the celebrities are checking themselves in for mental health reasons? Because they are the main focus of our society now and they are attacked relentlessly. Obviously, celebrities have always been spoken about. We used to have to go buy a magazine to get the dirt. Now anyone and everyone can just run your name to the ground if they’re having a bad day. Fake profiles pop up by the minute. Kids are so distorted and delusional. Parents don't even know the half of it and it's just all so fucked. It’s disgusting and intolerable. Who the fuck decided that it was OK to pick someone apart to the point where they want to die or to the point where they want to hide because they don’t feel rich enough, beautiful enough or popular enough?  


Yours Truly,



"I have such debilitating anxiety because of everything going on that I literally wake up in the middle of the night with full-on panic attacks, Where do I even start? Everything is so horrible, it's hard to name one thing. I just think that the world needs so much love.... You go online and you see everyone saying the worst things to each other, and it's hard to stay positive. It's hard not to get eaten alive by all the negativity." -  Kendall Jenner

Morgan Osman
Morgan Osman


36 Responses


May 18, 2021

hey morgan love your blog! just a little question what do you host on if you don’t mind me asking?

Karla toxic
Karla toxic

November 07, 2020

First of all any man who acts, talks badly about any woman is basically a jealous little bitch. Excuse my language I’ve never respected a man who goes out of his way to defame, belittle and humiliate a woman is complete trash. I’m pretty sure he is just jealous of all the attention, love and self-making ways you have. To me he wants to be a girl, acting like a total lying hateful bitch. Fraud, keep flexing for the gram. I would look inside myself and come up with some different ideas to become relevant and up to date and have more “creative” ideas and work on yourself. To talk down on any woman is just plain trash and simple disgusting. Everyone has their own battles they deal with and seems like some just love to harass and thrive on making others feel bad or experience embarrassment. So sad! Respect, dignity, concern, empathy, kind hearted spirit those are a few of the qualities money can never buy. No matter how much you want to roll around in social status or circles. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter, what matters is how you treat people. I’m over this instagram fake flexing! Okay rant over! Thanks for sharing and I am sorry you and your hot gfs went through something so embarrassing just because of a bitch yes I said a bitch is too intimidated. I said what I said

Lizzy Conde
Lizzy Conde

October 26, 2020

Once upon a time I was unmedicated, absolutely psychotic, I mean not even a hair of sanity to me, and I became transfixed on an IG model who someone told me I reminded them of at a club when I was on shrooms…I became so delusional that I thought this innocent woman was out to kill me…I was admitted into a mental institution where I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and when I was released, these nightmare delusions didn’t stop…in fact I kept falling in and out of psychosis and I hurt an innocent woman who was a victim of my illness, I really appreciate you linking mental illness to bullying to obsession because I only recently forgave myself for the transgressions I made when I was clinically insane…I really do pray for everyone struggling and for all the sick people who lash out against others because they are unwell which is so different that regular “haters”…the world needs more love, Kendal is right, otherwise it’s a vicious cycle of illnesses and no healing can take place with open wounds and delusion…I hope I’m forgiven


October 25, 2020

Love it. Keep these posts coming!

The piglet is all over durrani now. From desperate to pathetic!

I was on thedirty.com 9 times in 2011. It didn’t break me!

Morgan you are an inspiration ! ❤️


October 22, 2020

Another “edge of my seat” post!! You have the best stories! Honestly it sounds like Fraudopoly wants you .. he only introduced you to PP to keep you close.. Maybe he expected you to come crying to him idk!
Are you thinking about making a blog about BGC or drunken monkey? Would love to hear your experience first hand!!

Marque Knox
Marque Knox

October 22, 2020

Whew. Great post Morgan.


October 22, 2020

F*ck Yes !

You are the definition of a boss babe. Everything you say is always TRUE AF.

It really is disgusting how sick social media is & how ugly ppls personalities get (yuck) when they see someone shining so much brighter than them. It has happened to me lots & still happening – the world is so beautiful it’s so sad to see how internet trolls don’t get to experience that.

You know your doing something right when you got haters that’s all I got to say.

THIS blog post was by far my fav one & thank you for bringing light to the defamation & bullying that goes on on social media.

You are the BADDEST & I effing love it!

Keep doing you BooBoo 👄


cynthia tezyk
cynthia tezyk

October 21, 2020

WOW—— I’m so sorry you don’t deserve that. When someone talks like that to others about another, those people should walk away b’cuz he will do it to them to. Why they don’t put a stop to it—- is imachuraty and wrong on their part just the same. Is fraudopoly codename for Alec monoply? the painter? I don’t think he is that good. Borning to say the least. Yes he would be fraudulent copying the monpoly fat man and making money off if it. No creativeness. Fraudoply or Alec is scum of the world and that type of person only fills up his ego by talking poorly about others. Its a very sick exsistance and will never make it into Heaven. My brother is the same as him, he is scum of the earth just to be in the same room with him is discusting, because you know who the real person is, even though he lies to your face. I no longer will speak to my brother because what you just wrote is my brother but in a different atmospher. And you are right “You fly off the handle in self defense” I’ve done that for it to be used against me saying, your no Christian. Using the God as a weapon to place guilt on me. Morag don’t let this worthless human being thug get the best of you. God will get him for you this will come back to him one day. I love all of your posts! And I pray for you too!!


October 21, 2020



October 21, 2020



October 21, 2020

It’s pathetic & disgusting. Karma is a bitch. He will get his eventually.


October 21, 2020

That girl needs to fix her a$$ and get some class. Happy to see you standing up for yourself. He really should have kept his mask on he look’s grimey AF totally has a used car salesman vibe. Love your style of writing!

New York girl
New York girl

October 21, 2020

Book deal coming through !


October 21, 2020

Amazing!! 🔥


October 21, 2020

It literally makes no sense how he would hook you guys up and then turn against you. It’s better not having people like that in your life ♥️


October 21, 2020

More powers to you girl ❤️


October 21, 2020

Incredible post! Morgan, if you ever want to get your lashes done, come thru!
And for all non-basic bitches, check out my page:)



October 21, 2020


I respect this SO fucking much. I love how you understand the depth of bullying and have the drive to spread knowledge on it. But also, you have the GUTS & RESPECT for YOUR GOD DAMN SELF to say NOT UP IN HERE BITCH. Keep sticking up for yourself and what is right. End of day, your going to be the only one who has your own back 100% of the time. Always speak your truth and never look back.

Much love from this Jersey Girl


October 21, 2020

Ive seen him and her around so many times, and he literally leeches onto peoples tables and takes them over. It’s so embarrassing, he is completely irrelevant in 2020 and will be obselete in 2021 and beyond. His own circles don’t even respect them anymore. Also, the girlfriend is hideous. Ive had the displeasure of seeing her in a bikini a few times and her misshapen ass has so many dents and bizarre hole looking type things in it – she needs a refund or revision of some kind.

Ashley Marie
Ashley Marie

October 21, 2020

You NEED to write a book babe! 💖


October 21, 2020

This is unbelievable. Wonder why A first tried to matchmake you with PP and then completely turned his back to you and spreading false rumours to others. It is utterly malicious to try to break someone down. Clearly this guy needs rehab and a psychologist.


October 21, 2020

Everything 🔥🔥🔥


October 21, 2020

They’re unbelievably pathetic. Don’t bother wasting your energy on them though, you’re only rising on up with your business, poise and beauty. You have everything going for you so Don’t stoop to their level… they’re just d-list parasites and people will eventually see through their leeching antics and get sick and tired of having them around. His art is so whack… never respected in the art-world and never will be. The bullshit will all catch up with them in the end you’ll see.


October 21, 2020

you are star and no one can dim your light!

stay strong morgan!

Nico M
Nico M

October 21, 2020

I’m surprised you didn’t say anything sooner! I’ve been watching this unfold since pre-pp. I love your energy and style of writing – it’s raw, relentless and passionate. And as far as what you have to say about rich people… girl, they lose touch with reality and think it’s okay! Keep going… we’re all here to hear the tea AND your distinct POV!


October 21, 2020

Incredible post. Glad you made an example of those two. They truly are what’s wrong with social media and everyone thinks they’re living this lavish lifestyle when they’re barley hanging on by a thread. This is what kids are looking up to and have no idea it’s fake. You really are so inspiring with how you managed to put up with this for so long.

Iro Dimitrakopoulos
Iro Dimitrakopoulos

October 21, 2020

Real bitches are always hated the most. Especially the fly ones 🤍


October 21, 2020

So very sorry you are going through this nonsense. Rise above. Focus on your businesses and career. You have always been hard working, intelligent, a go-getter and a hustler. ❤️❤️

Nina Parker
Nina Parker

October 19, 2020

This will be fire if Insta is anything to go by. I’m drooling to see this! Take your time and nail it babe! 🤑👸🏻

Tiffany Pezzano
Tiffany Pezzano

October 19, 2020

Girl you take the time you NEED !


October 13, 2020



October 10, 2020

Truth 🔥


October 10, 2020

Always keeping it 💯 love you Bitch !!


October 10, 2020

Always keeping it real!!! ❤️ Go off bitch!


October 10, 2020

Love the honesty and transparency🤍

Saskia Loorea
Saskia Loorea

October 10, 2020

Dearest Morgan, you are so super sweet. This is why I respect and love you because you are like me. We both keep it real. No need to apologize at all, because I totally understand. At times with all the best intentions in the world that we have. Our schedules change. Take good care sweetie and I look forward to your post. Whenever it will be. Life is a flow and we just go with it. Much love and peace xxx

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